Sunday, July 13, 2008


so im really not so great at blogging regularly. but im to a point i need to vent some more.
My life is far from easy but i have this huge pull on my heart to not hide my experiences. to share what i have been through. its like i have x-ray goggles and i can see the things happening in others relationships. i see the little things that led me to a place i never wanted to be. at times i just want to stand on a mountain top and scream because i know they dont want to be where im at. i now truly believe that what satan intends for evil God will most definately use for great things.

another thought..i am an extremally hopeful girl. which at times is great but other times..not so much. im not sure how many know a great deal of my story..but hopes are sky high and i know they shouldnt be..its like i take a step forward and a few back. i guess its a hard habit to break. but sadly my hopes are high.

one more thing.. my daughter is amazing..i just adore the fact that when im a mess..and feel yucky and just dont want to move forward in anything..she loves me..i can look funny..smell grumpy.. and through it all her love never changes. its like the love of God. and she reminds me of that everyday. oh the lessons i learn from my 3 month old.

ok so im not done yet..i miss my daddy..hes out of town for work and its the first time hes ever done something like this. its very weird. not quite sure what to do without him around.

ok now im done..
samantha lee


Robin Porter said...

Hi Sami! I am not sure that you know me, but I was in a connect group with your mom and dad about a year ago. Anyway, I stumbled upon your blog and just really wanted to post a comment.

Sweetie -- you are such an incredible daughter of God. He loves you so very much. We all make mistakes, every day, no matter how hard we try, but I thank God that it isn't about us being perfect but it is about the blood of Jesus cleansing us. and to God -- you are robed in a perfect white robe!

You have accomplished so much! You graduated high school! There are so many who have children early and they do not graduate, but you stuck it out, no matter how hard (or tired I am sure) that it was. You should be very proud of that!

You didn't turn away from God but rather turned toward him. You could have easily ran the other way, but you did not and God has seen your faithfulness!

You have a beautiful daughter that loves you unconditionally. She is blessed to have you as a mom. She is a gift from God to you.

And you continue to give God praise through it all. I am sure you have lots of ups and downs ... just being a new mommy will do that to you. but you also have a lot of other things going on.

I am so glad that you are getting your thoughts out. I feel in my heart that the Father has so much love for you and that you are so very special to him. You are the apple of his eye!

Dont give up! You are an incredibly strong woman and yes at times it will be hard, but it will be so worth it!

Anonymous said...

We will not hide them from their children;
we will tell the next generation
the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD,
his power, and the wonders he has done.

He decreed statutes for Jacob
and established the law in Israel,
which he commanded our forefathers
to teach their children,

so the next generation would know them,
even the children yet to be born,
and they in turn would tell their children.

Then they would put their trust in God
and would not forget his deeds
but would keep his commands.

Psalm 78:4-7


Amanda said...

aww, your comment meant soo much to me! I loved this part of your post - "i now truly believe that what satan intends for evil God will most definately use for great things."

God is going to use you in amazing ways girl! Actually, I always say when I talk to people, that God is GOING to use them, but I gotta remember that God is ALREADY using them and you right now!

Thank you for saying you're proud of me but honestly I have no idea why you would be proud of me, I am proud of YOU! I love you girl! :)

Kristina Weeks said...

wow. this is a great post. i can't believe how big your heart is.