Friday, August 15, 2008


so im slowly learning that god answers questions in mysterious ways.
this quote was in an email id normally delete. today i thought hey why not read it. so i did and with my current situation..being stuck in the middle..this spoke volumes to me.

"the key to courage is to let go of the fear"

1 comment:

Nana said...

Something feeling like you are stuck is very frustrating. All around you seem to want something different, all feeling like they have the only answer and acting out of love and concern for your welfare. This is what parenting is about. Unfortunately, when our children are born we do not get a handbook to assist us with all of the ups and downs that will inevitably arise.

Sami, one thing is for sure, God is there to guide. As you have fully recognized, he allows us free will... and it changes our path. But, remeber God knew of your decision before you made it, he knows what is in your heart. He wants only the best for you and will guide you back to all of the blessings he has n store for you if you keep your eyes on him and do what is Godly.

Right now, as you fell stuck in the middle .. turn to Jesus and pray for insight to know what he would have you do to stay on the path he has designed for you; pray for the Holy Spirit to annoint you with a feeling of peace in the correct decisions; pray for wisdom to recognize the Holy Spirit and for "grace" to be able to carry out the actions needed to align with him. Last but not least, thank him for everything you have and all he has promised.

I love Sami, Nana