Saturday, May 30, 2009

once again im gonna tell it all.

right now im depressed. i feel like i live on the verge of tears.
but honestly i couldnt even give you a real solid reason why.
im mad. im upset. im lost. im confused. im over some things. but still stuck on others.
i want to scream i want to cry i want to punch kick and throw a tantrum i want to run and hide.
im always beating myself up for what others tell me isnt my fault but im not totally sure i agree.
i dont live my life with regrets but right now im so mad at some of the ridiculous choices i made.
im sure that this is making no sense at all. but ill continue anyways.
im absolutely madly in love with my daughter words cant even describe the love that i have for her. but being 100% honest i still feel like im robbing her of a 'normal' childhood. i mean seriously every little girl needs a daddy and well right now theres not one of those in sight. i mean i know shes doing great shes smart and cute and wonderful but still i pray that my mistakes dont make her life awful.
im a mess. i hate my job. i just quit even attempting college courses. i havent even made much effort towards getting into a community college. i second guess myself more times than i can count i over analyze pretty much everything.
i just want a break. i just want to escape and get away. to go somewhere and pretend for a day that i didnt make some pretty dumb choices that are still driving me up a wall. i want to get away and pretend that it doesnt all still get under my skin and irritate me to no end.
i wanna be happy. like truly deeply seriously happy.
and for now im done.
i got enough out to make it easy to breathe again.
and im pretty sure ill be back soon..


dad said...


Amanda said...

I'm praying for you girl, earnestly. I have no idea what it's like to be in your shoes and to feel the way you feel. But I'll lift up my prayers for you.

God is constant, so He's always going to be there, and always going to be the Daddy that Desirae needs, and the Husband you need. His timing is perfect, so when the timing is right He'll bring in a Husband and a Father that will BLESS and enrich both of your lives.